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Journal Entries

These Are the Thoughts of Those Touched by the Valley.

Many thoughts are undoubtedly shifting within our minds at all times—whether we are awake or asleep. And even when we have long passed from this earthly realm, we sometimes leave remnants of our thoughts in journals. These penned sentiments, beliefs, fears, and confessions linger in the present like ghosts—beckoning the reader to trespass farther into the past. Who were these individuals? And what happened throughout their lives? Will the events that befell them return to haunt the present? Indeed, the dead may hold the answer to such questions, for it is our contemplations of their lost words that could be the key. Moreover, it will be quite necessary to take notes of specific names, dates, and places; in time, you shall realize that developing this habit can make all the difference in ascertaining the contexts of the following pages.  They have slowly been uncovered over time and are accordingly presented in the order by which they were found. What will you discover by reading them?

Journal Entry 1 - December 28th, 1872 - Midnight

Journal Entry 2 - November 3rd, 1850

Journal Entry 3 - October 15th, 1898

Journal Entry 4 - [Date Not Available]

Journal Entry 5 - December 28th, 1872 - 3 a.m.

Journal Entry 6 - December 28th, 1872 - 3 a.m. [Continued]

Journal Entry 7 - [Date Not Available]

Journal Entry 8 - [Date Not Available]

Journal Entry 9 - October 23rd, 1895

Journal Entry 10 - October 6th, 1892

Journal Entry 11 - October 6th, 1892 [Continued]

Journal Entry 12 - October 6th, 1892 [Continued]

Journal Entry 13 - October 9th, 1849

Journal Entry 14 - November 20th, 1898

Journal Entry 15 - September 2nd, 1861

Journal Entry 16 - September 2nd, 1861 [Continued]

Journal Entry 17 - February 18th, 1870

Journal Entry 18 - August 28th, 1843

Journal Entry 19 - June 30th, 1890

Journal Entry 20 - September 19th, 1845

Journal Entry 21 - November 20th, 1847

Journal Entry 22 - November 23rd, 1847

Journal Entry 23 - November 29th, 1847

Journal Entry 24 - July 17th, 1875

Journal Entry 25 - July 17th, 1875 [Continued]

Journal Entry 26 - July 17th, 1875 [Continued]

Journal Entry 27 - May 14th, 1883

Journal Entry 28 - October 6th, 1892 [Continued]

Journal Entry 29 - July 16th, 1890

Journal Entry 30 - November 13th, 1888 - 9:35 p.m.

Journal Entry 31 - November 13th, 1888 - 11:55 p.m.

Journal Entry 32 - [Date Not Available]

Journal Entry 33 - [Date Not Available]

Journal Entry 34 - October 27th, 1878

Journal Entry 35 - Maple Hill Caretaker Log - June 6th, 1886

Journal Entry 36 - Maple Hill Caretaker Log - June 9th, 1886

Journal Entry 37 - Maple Hill Caretaker Log - June 10th, 1886

Journal Entry 38 - December 15th, 1847

Journal Entry 39 - October 24th, 1878

Journal Entry 40 - October 28th, 1878

Journal Entry 41 - July 18th, 1890

Journal Entry 42 - August 20th, 1850

Journal Entry 43 - August 27th, 1850

Journal Entry 44 - Maple Hill Caretaker Log - June 12th, 1886

Journal Entry 45 - Maple Hill Caretaker Log - June 17th, 1886

Journal Entry 46 - Maple Hill Caretaker Log - June 18th, 1886

Journal Entry 47 - Maple Hill Caretaker Log - June 18th, 1886 [Continued]

Journal Entry 48 - Maple Hill Caretaker Log - June 18th, 1886 [Continued]

Journal Entry 49 - October 31st, 1878

Journal Entry 50 - July 26th, 1890

Journal Entry 51 - November 8th, 1898

Journal Entry 52 - November 8th, 1898 [Continued]

Journal Entry 53 - October 3rd, 1799

Journal Entry 54 - September 1st, 1803

Journal Entry 55 - May 15th, 1890

Journal Entry 56 - May 16th, 1890

Journal Entry 57 - December 2nd, 1888

Journal Entry 58 - May 19th, 1886

Journal Entry 59 - November 14th, 1888 - Midnight

Journal Entry 60 - November 14th, 1888 - Midnight [Continued]

Journal Entry 61 - May 24th, 1890

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