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Welcome to the Gloomy Hollows
of Spookinite Valley

Est. Sept. 2012

Journal Entry 24 - July 17th, 1875

It was well beyond midnight when I found myself quite restless. Though I could not tell whence this rising nervousness came, I decided to walk around the halls of the inn until I grew weary enough to return to my bedchamber. At length, I rose from bed and crept down the hall outside my room. While approaching the stairway, I realized how silent the establishment truly was. And I admit that the soundlessness became maddening, especially since there was not another human soul to bring comfort and reassurance. Only the gas lamps and chandeliers dully shone, from which lingered almost a dim, white haze. With precaution, I proceeded—all alone.

[This journal entry continues.]

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