Ghostly Poetry
Heed Each and Every Word, For These Ghastly Things Are What I Heard. Words are very much like ghosts, for they are something far more than purely symbols from which readers discern meanings and associations. Sometimes we speak them—we hear them—yet we cannot always see them. But their power is undeniable. Like phantoms, they may dwell on—long after they have been said, heard, or read. And sometimes their images, sounds, smells, and emotions might stay within our hearts forever. These are the truths that make poetry exceedingly haunting. For poetry selects the most potent words with such deliberation and carefulness. Then, using them, it evokes something invisible to our eyes but quite visible to our hearts, minds, and souls. The words may appear insignificant at first, but it is their essence that conveys the most vivid experiences. And again, much like ghosts, these poems will haunt you and your home.
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