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Welcome to the Gloomy Hollows
of Spookinite Valley

Est. Sept. 2012

Numerous Ghoulish Stories Await the Living, Here in This Dark Place

There was once a time when frightful tales were told within the faint, pale glow of a lit candle or kerosene lamp. It seemed that any baleful specter or ghoul dared not prowl within the rays of such lights, lest their presences be revealed. Families would eagerly gather in the parlors of their homes and huddle together—remaining silent and listening to whoever told the story. One might have occasionally glanced out the open window whilst a cold, October draft disturbed the ghostly draperies. And as the clock ticked further—and the flame’s radiance diminished—the climax of the tale lurked nearer. The imagination would conjure forth the ghastly scenes—or perhaps even the disconcerting visage of the apparition. And lastly, when the tale concluded, a scream or gasp might have erupted. The countenances in the chamber would be pallid at first—and the eyes, wide. Yet despite these seemingly aghast responses, everyone abruptly begged for another tale to be told. Indeed, how special these occasions were! Alas, such times have long since elapsed; like old, eroding gravestones, they have faded and been forgotten by many. Nevertheless, if you are silent, you may hear the words of the past echo into the present. And this haunted realm—Spookinite Valley—is by no means an exception. Here, the past does not rest—and its stories of spooks, terrors, and wraiths are quite alive. I insist that you gather around your own candle or lamp and read the tales that wish to be told.

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All text and story content © Spookinite.com - All Rights Reserved | Main Illustration by Hannah Chowaniec | An immortal thanks to the Spooky Webmistress of Frightbytes.com