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Books & Music

These Are My Stories. These Are My Melodies. You May Deem Them Melancholy, But They Are Mine.

For some odd reason, I have always been intrigued by the more mysterious and unsettling aspects of life. Perhaps it is the sense of adventure. Or maybe it is simply the gloomy atmosphere and disquieting characters I might encounter. This is likely why I was fascinated by scary stories as a child. Eventually, I began writing my own horror tales. The books you will find here are the various stories I have written and published over the years. Likewise, the music I often found myself listening to as a child was portentous in nature. Thus, by degrees, I composed my own grave melodies. At the bottom of the page, you can learn more about the music I compose.

Corruption Immortal

Corruption Immortal - October 21st, 2023

A peculiar man—or shadow—wishes to bring you into countless realms beyond all conceivable dreams and nightmares. The choice is yours, but choose soon. Indeed, it would be rather discourteous to decline the dark mortician’s offer. Walk forth with him beyond the grave and witness stories laid to rest that may never be told again. In this forlorn journey, phantoms, mysteries, and landscapes beyond alien shores will rise and beckon you to travel where none dare wander. But beware, something unknown lingers beyond each corner. If you make this choice, you must remember this always: the enigmatic apparition warns that nothing in this temporal world is forever. And there will come a day when you shall know the inevitable touch of Corruption Immortal.


Corruption Immortal

Eternal Night - September 2nd, 2019

Insanity. Such an exceedingly over-opinionated word used by the so-called sane. But what truly is this phenomenon we shun without deliberation? Why does this word invoke fright and foreboding? Perhaps your irrational civilization is to blame for the fearful emotions you deem instinctual. And contrary to your unsophisticated preconceived notion, there are many tales within these pages that will, perhaps, persuade you that madness can bestow upon special individuals a wondrous gift. Hearken! For a mortician became enlightened—an innkeeper realized his purpose—a horrid presence on the earth was slain—and the rites of the forsaken were conveyed. Yet this is merely a foretaste of what awaits you. Leave now or embrace the gift I offer you in this realm of nocturnal eternity.

Corruption Immortal

Shadows on the Wall - August 13th, 2018

Three fears tormented my mind as a child: Nyctophobia—the fear of darkness. Teraphobia—the fear of monsters. And Sanguivoriphobia—the fear of vampires. Usually, as one grows older, such ridiculous terrors gradually subside. Yet mine only persisted. The grave events began during my boyhood. They transpired on the night of which I discovered my remarkable gift. But on that night, my three fears also ravenously and quite literally came forth into this world. As a result, I had to make a choice—and I confess, the choice I made has cost me nearly everything. For fourteen years there was a calm in my life. Alas, it was one o’ clock a.m.—the dead of night—when the late-summer wind silently declared their return to this world. Indeed, they are coming for me—and my time wanes with the dying light of my candlestick’s wavering flame.


The music occasionally found throughout the pages of this website is written and produced by Morbus Tenebris—an orchestral, Gothic instrumental solo project that I founded in 2018. For more information on the baleful melodies I compose, visit the official Morbus Tenebris website by clicking the image below.

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