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Welcome to the Gloomy Hollows
of Spookinite Valley

Est. Sept. 2012

Journal Entry 2 - June 3rd, 1850

To say that the previous evening was dreadful beyond compare would be an immense understatement. While riding to Hemlock on horseback, I watched the slender cornstalks within the fields move in such a way that I could have sworn they were alive. Worse, when we reached the dark tract of forest, an enormous, shadowy figure followed us. By this time, the sun was setting—and it was thus difficult to see the beast. Our horses must have also been fearful, for they galloped as if their lives depended on it. Perhaps it was only a bear? And yet the creature sounded as if it trod with numerous legs. The thumping sounds were quite rapid, but they ceased whenever I peered over my shoulder.

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