Welcome to the Gloomy Hollows
of Spookinite ValleyEst. Sept. 2012
Journal Entry 28 - October 6th, 1892 [Continued]
Eventually, I came upon the narrow, unnamed road—feeling slight relief. Yet I knew that the beast walked among the cattails and wild grasses. With only the moonlight to help me keep my bearings, I watchfully stepped forth, hoping that whatever sound I made was as inaudible as possible. Sometimes, tapestries of clouds cloaked the gleaming orb in the sky, allowing the shadows to hold further dominion over the valley. As I hurried down the road, a cat meowed from somewhere near. I glanced down to see him staring up at me, and I had no doubt that he was domesticated. Quite surprisingly, too, he leapt into my arms, purring. Perhaps he feared the ferocious puma. I thus continued along the shady road with the destitute cat.
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