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Welcome to the Gloomy Hollows
of Spookinite Valley

Est. Sept. 2012

Journal Entry 15 - September 2nd, 1861

I observed something truly uninviting the previous evening. On horseback, I made my way beyond Mardis Crossroads. The crickets chirped loudly and the trees rocked in the wind. By this time, the sun had long set. And though the night enveloped the mountains, the feeble glow of a lantern seized my attention. Far off, it glimmered dimly, sometimes vanishing before reigniting again. I could not fathom how one could be so foolish as to traverse the valley beyond dusk. But perhaps he needed help. I therefore approached the stranger. Even so, upon beholding his appearance, I knew he was not human. Even my horse stood motionless, as if unnerved by the figure’s visage.

[This journal entry continues.]

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