Welcome to the Gloomy Hollows
of Spookinite ValleyEst. Sept. 2012
Journal Entry 6 - December 28th, 1872 - 3 a.m. [Contineud]
His gaze was that of a monster’s. As I took a step backward, his lips formed an unpleasant smirk. He then slowly proceeded forward and reached out as if to subdue me. Nearly dropping my candlestick, I fled the room and returned to my own, locking the door. In silence I stood, listening and waiting. At first, all was soundless. But the knob began turning aggressively. Whether it was that fiend I saw within the empty chamber or Mr. Mansfield himself, I was not going to meet my gruesome fate. Through the window, I climbed from the brick ledge to a down-spout. From there, I slid down and hurried to the stable. After mounting my horse, we fled under the cover of shadows. I looked back many times, fearing they’d follow. And though I am now in Hemlock, I cannot sleep.
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