Welcome to the Gloomy Hollows
of Spookinite ValleyEst. Sept. 2012
Letter 19 - June 29th, 1890
Mayor Franklin Wright,
There is no need for belligerence; I can assure you that I meant well by my previous letter. But if you misinterpreted my words, I apologize for not choosing the most adequate ones. Indeed, if you are unwilling to sell any of your land, I shall not ask any further. That is your very own choice—and thus, I humbly accept your decline. Nevertheless, it is of my personal belief that selfishness is a symptom of what I call ‘possessive obsession.’ Warwick, as you know, can treat such conditions quite effortlessly. And although our cemetery is overcrowded, our inmate wings always have room for one more.
With utmost respect and cordiality,
Jeffrey Randolph
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