Welcome to the Gloomy Hollows
of Spookinite ValleyEst. Sept. 2012
Letter 20 - January 18th, 1883
Dear Greyson,
Your letter came as a splendid surprise, and I hope you are well. I too am bewildered by the sign that hangs over the entrance of the Schwartz Creek Bridge. The English translation for ‘Morbus Tenebris’ is ‘Dark Sickness.’ I suspect the sign’s reason is to serve as a warning—though the use of Latin is somewhat melodramatic. Beyond the bridge is a valley full of many superstitions and legends. The traditions of such tales are older than our forefathers, emerging during a time in which stories were not subject to the confines of fantasy. To me, it is quite evident that Hemlock has lingered in the past for far too long.
Your most obedient servant,
Rodger A. Broomhall
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