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Welcome to the Gloomy Hollows
of Spookinite Valley

Est. Sept. 2012

The Unsolved Siege of Warwick Asylum

Warwick Asylum was the only institution in the vicinity that sheltered the mentally insane. However, a horrific event led to its permanent closure. On October 3rd, 1897, a man—whose identity remains unknown to this day—entered the facility. Utter pandemonium and mayhem ensued, with many patients escaping. Fevered screams and excited yells echoed over the countryside. Many of the inmates were never found, as well as the guards who went missing that night. Dr. Joseph White told police that the strange man had proclaimed that he wished to ‘free’ the ‘prisoners.’ Now the asylum is vacant, dusty, and deteriorating. Even so, its past still deeply haunts Hemlock.

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