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Lost Letters

Letter 57 - April 11th, 1842

My dearest Abagail,

I pen this after having been unable to forget our lovely dance on the 9th. Perhaps I cannot relinquish the memory of you standing in the shadowed corner by the window, gazing down upon the floor. I confess that your unwonted presence stirred a curious fancy within my soul, for your raven hair made your pale countenance all the more radiant in the gloom. When I asked your name, you looked up, as if fearful. Yet after peering into your violet eyes, I could see a slight, warm smile forming upon your delicate lips. And then I doubted for a moment that you would accept my dance, but when you took my hand, my heart leaped unlike anytime before. I should very much like to see you again.

Your own friend,
William Fairhurst

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