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Lost Letters

Letter 53 - June 19th, 1886 [Continued]

Still, he did not relent! Making haste, we returned to the house and locked ourselves in my bedchamber. Afterwards, and with the help of one of the guests, we moved a wardrobe in front of the door. They knocked ceaselessly for hours. It was not until dawn broke that they appeared to hurry away. We are all still extremely distraught by this attack. And there will be consequences. The Staddon House has always had a reputation of tranquility, yet now its very name will be sullied by what happened. Those subhuman assailants must be found and imprisoned before they can commit further crimes throughout the countryside. Yet most disquieting of all is their apparent condition whereby injury is nonexistent. I implore you to find them.

Humbly yours,
Wilfried Ramsey

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