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Lost Letters

Letter 52 - June 19th, 1886 [Continued]

Before I could make sense of what was happening, one of the marauders yanked the arm of my wife. A guest hurriedly pulled her from his grip, yet the intruder then grasped the guest’s hand tightly. He quickly threw a painting from the wall over the fiend’s head, and it relented but for a moment. One of the other guests was dragged by his feet outside. Seizing my rifle, I shot the villain in the head. Yet this did nothing! And I dare say it only made the madman angrier. I clearly observed a gaping wound in the right eye of the marauder, yet he exhibited no signs of physical anguish. However, it must’ve been quite enough to distract him, as he released the guest and started skulking towards me while exhaling the same idiot moans. I proceeded to shoot him again.

[This letter continues.]

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