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Lost Letters

Letter 51 - June 19th, 1886 [Continued]

It was nearly eleven o’ clock p.m. when they abruptly broke through the windows facing the garden and cottage. One of the guests was walking to the kitchen to pour a pitcher of water in his glass. While walking through the hall, he saw a shadow cast on the floor through the windows. At first, he believed it was some shrubbery swaying in the lamplight, as there was a thunderstorm. However, upon gazing through the windows, two of those repulsive madmen threw their arms through and proceeded to invade the home. We all heard the guest’s cry for help and hastened down the stairs, only to hear the sound of loud knocking and rapping at the front door. Before we knew it, a few more had entered and stumbled clumsily towards us with their arms outstretched.

[This letter continues.]

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