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Journal Entry 47 - Maple Hill Caretaker Log - June 18th, 1886 [Continued]

Horrified by whatever walked nearer, I ran towards the chapel, hoping to hide from the strange ghouls that now pursued me. But as I hurried, a hand reached out and clutched tightly on to my wrist. This caused me to fall over the soggy earth. And I soon realized that whoever had grasped my wrist had not let go. A well-decayed hand and arm, detached entirely from any body, writhed as its grip stiffened. I yanked it off and flung it over a headstone. A man without an arm then approached me in a calm manner. I shrieked as I crawled into the chapel and locked the doors. A relentless knocking then resounded throughout the empty sanctuary. And my eyes widened when the windows shattered.

[This journal entry continues.]

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