Journal Entries
Journal Entry 46 - Maple Hill Caretaker Log - June 18th, 1886
Another dreadful thunderstorm draped over the earth last night. It was already covering the sky before I could leave. I therefore chose to remain in my cottage until the worst had passed. But the squall raged on, and the night endured without clemency. At my desk, I sat while the rain struck the roof. But I did not feel safe all alone. Only wanting to return home, I decided to brave the rain and thunder. Yet as I reached the main gates, I saw the same man standing before me. He stared as if undaunted by the elements. I stepped backward and hastened down another path, only to see two more figures wandering over the hill, gazing down upon me. They stumbled closer, sighing and mumbling carelessly.
[This journal entry continues.]
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