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Journal Entry 12 - October 6th, 1892 [Continued]

The nearer it lurked, the more I could discern its unnatural characteristics. It appeared to be a large puma, yet its fur was ebon. The pupils narrowed within its golden irises as I held my lantern forward. The creature then crouched low to the ground and raised its hind end, as if about to pounce. At once, I flung my lantern on to its head. As the glass shattered and flames dispersed, the animal cried out in agony and rage. Fleeing at once, I could still hear its shrill calls. And I was certain it would pursue me. Yet after clumsily falling into shallow water, I rolled over to see that the shadowy brute was nowhere to be seen. My heartbeat rattled my very frame while I warily advanced through the bog.

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