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Journal Entries

Journal Entry 11 - October 6th, 1892 [Continued]

During this very moment, my unrestrained imagination only stirred my anxiousness, showing me what might happen next. I closed my eyes tightly, yet this only heightened the trepidation. At length, the call broke the stillness of the bog for the third time. I prayed that I would find the road, for there was hardly any oil left in my lantern. And while the flame dimmed, a fourth, fifth, and sixth howl echoed throughout the valley. While stumbling over the sodden earth, I looked to the right of me—and there it stood, several yards away. It seemed that it was not aware of my presence at first. Yet as I attempted to quietly hasten off, the beast turned its head towards me and began prowling closer.

[This journal entry continues.]

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