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Journal Entries

Journal Entry 52 - November 8th, 1898 [Continued]

Since neither the furnace nor fireplaces were supplied with coal, the building was bitterly cold. I frequently had to stop and rub my arms. Scarcely any light from the streetlamps reached through the windows. Even with my lantern, the mortuary was terribly dusky. After another hour, my trepidation only worsened. I wanted to be home and warm. But the misery and weariness soon eroded my reason and senses. I suddenly saw a woman wearing black pace to and fro before hurrying into a lightless chamber. Thankful that I was not alone, I called out to her. Yet she answered not. My heart raced upon realizing what I might’ve seen. And once I entered the room she had wandered into, I realized I was alone.

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