Ghostly Poetry
Within the Shadow of Spookinite Valley
There is a desolate place in which I hide;
A land where all trespassers have surely died.
Betwixt forgotten mountainsides in Vermont;
Horrid histories and tragedies do haunt.
Pumpkin patches strewn here and there over hills,
Cornstalks stretch their slender arms—and their sound fills
The cold October air whilst the dead wind gust
Forewarns encroachers that there’s no one to trust.
The neglected house with four, white great columns
Tells a century old tale that is Solemn’s.
And an Inn where the proprietor does keep
Every guest and traveler who cannot sleep.
Nightstalkers and fiends roam this bleak and grim vale,
Whilst thunderclouds proclaim the forthcoming hail.
“Why?” you ask, “do you hide in this baleful land?
“Because,” I laugh, “I cannot meet your demand.”
“Here alone is the solitude I cherish”
“And if you should intrude here, you shall perish!”
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