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Ghostly Poetry

The Spidress’s Fall

We wished to subjugate the world;
Before his presence, the wind twirled.
Turning to him to reach our goals.
Alas, we imperiled our souls.

Intricate was his deception;
The dark wraith was pure corruption.
The great tower stole the sun’s light,
The sphere—iridescent and bright.

Though the Spidress’s army stood,
Defeat the wraith they never could.
The Spidress was one of great pride,
And this our empress could not hide.

Thus, our mighty empire fell,
This is the solemn truth I tell.
Within an hour he destroyed,
Our great armies that we deployed.

Now he and his fiends conspire,
To build the shadow empire.
Our crumbling ruins remind those;
Of the woeful path that we chose.

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