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Journal Entry 5 - December 28th, 1872 - 3 a.m.

The restlessness—of which I wrote earlier at midnight—endured for far too long. I dared to make my first attempt to leave before the break of dawn, but Mansfield’s footfalls echoed somewhere nearby. I froze for what felt to be a painful eternity. When his footsteps moved away, I quietly stepped towards the stairway. But in an instant, the sound of his shoes on the old floor grew louder again. Hurriedly, I threw myself into one of the other rooms and quietly shut the door. I held my breath as he walked by the door. Then, I turned, and in the light of my candle I saw something wholly unforgettable. A tall figure with a peculiarly shaped head and greenish skin stared into my eyes. I wanted to scream. And his blood-red irises shone.

[This journal entry continues.]

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