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Ghostly Poetry

The Poisoned Garden

The white, speckled blooms of Hemlock reach;
And violet pedals of nightshade teach.
The indigo of wolfsbane does lure;
Yellow stars of parsnip I adore.

Conium maculatum—how fair and sweet.
Solanum dulcamara—my lovely treat.

The scarlet snakeberry hangs above;
Ah—crimson baneberry with much love.
Ivory buds—lily of the valley;
Ruby olive is the yew berry.

Aconitum napellus—quite soft and fair.
Pastinaca sativa—yes, I shall share.

Three emerald leaves on a creeping vine;
Blue and purple larkspur—quite divine.
How gold and pallid, bloodroot blossoms;
Magenta daphne—these quaint phantoms.

Convallaria majalis, smooth and meek;
Actaea rubra—its bloody fruits I seek.

Hawthorn extending its gentle arms;
Leaves of holly—their tender touch charms.
I find my yields delectable and tart,
For I am forsaken and have no heart.

Atropa belladonna—black like night.
Amanita phalloides—caps I shall bite.

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