Ghostly Poetry
A Forgotten and Forlorn Fable
Be silent whilst standing among these forlorn hills;
For ancient stories linger here—their words cause chills.
The Spidress sought to advance her odious race
To conquer mankind’s kingdoms and leave not one trace.
Her arrogance and contempt for the weak left her
Staring upon her reflection shook and unsure.
Indeed, she had conjured forth the Dark Wraith to spread
Her imperial army and cause immense dread.
Yet she fancied herself quite wise and all too shrewd!
But this pride led to the cruel chaos that ensued.
For she had opened a door that should have stayed shut;
Thus, the Dark Wraith summoned his kin and deeply cut
Into the heart of her warriors and armies—
Their shrieks resounding from beneath the lofty trees.
The amethyst dragon hurled flames and tore them all;
Embers igniting from his pumpkin head—his call
Broke all stillness of that quite grim and gruesome night.
The sphere of stolen sunlight no longer burns bright,
For the Dark Wraith’s winged-gargoyle knocked the tower,
Collapsing it—now The Spidress wields no power!
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